Carpet cleaning Devon, About Martin Smith, Martins Cleaning Services, Exeter-Devon-Somerset

Friday, 18 January 2013

Rug cleaning Devon, oriental and persian rugs

Rug cleaning has become increasing busy for Martins cleaning services. 

Recently one client delivered 7 rugs to our workshop! She had seen our website page and chosen our services as she felt that the customer service was exceptional.

Martin pre-tested all rugs in our workshop to ensure the correct cleaning method was applied.  In this case there was a need for some wet cleaning (hot water extraction cleaning) and dry cleaning (by hand) so that the rugs could be cleaned correctly. 

Pre-testing rugs is one of the most important steps that we take when we clean any rug to ensure that there is no colour run or adverse reason to think differently about the cleaning method to be applied.

With 5 medium rugs and 2 small rugs to clean this would be a time consuming task.  The rugs turned out beautifully upon completion and dog odour was appropriately removed.  We shall be including some pictures shortly for you to see how our Rug cleaning in Exeter ended for another delighted customer.