As a commercial business owner have you ever walked into your office on a Monday morning or the day following your cleaners visit and thought "why are there cobwebs here when I have had the cleaning staff in?"
Immediately this may raise concerns and you may even wonder if the cleaners did in fact clean your premises the previous night.
Let me explain... Cobwebs may occur at any time a 'clean silk like shiny cobweb' is a new cobweb, it probably has happened between the time of the cleaners visit and you arriving at your office for business. An old cob will be 'dirty in appearance, the silk like shiny description will actually in this case be grey like and dull' this certainly is an old cobweb and one that should have received cleaning attention!!
Cobwebs cause chaos during different seasons such as the end of summer and spring. There is no real solution apart from cleaning the fresh cobweb as it is seen. Be aware too that cobwebs occur night and day so it will not necessarily be that your cleaner has not arrived but simply a cobweb has been made after the cleaning visit.
Now maybe you can decide what type of cleaners you have in your building, if you need to recruit or just fancy a change do call us for a free no obligation quotation.